Project Overview

The purpose of this project is to bring you closer to Christ through the Book of Mormon. Our Stake Presidency has challenged us to read the Book of Mormon in its entirety before the end of the year while paying special attention to Christ and His mission in the Plan of Salvation. We will be reading the Book of Mormon from August 1-December 31, and our ward will be focusing on the references to Christ throughout the Book of Mormon. As you read we invite you to mark in Red each reference to the Savior. You will be amazed how often He is mentioned.
It is our hope that you accept this challenge with an open heart and know that as you complete the Book of Mormon, you will have a stronger testimony of the importance of this book and its account and witness of Jesus Christ. Remember that through prayer and study you will be able to obtain a stronger testimony as well as a desire to learn more. We hope you will join us as we feast upon the words of Christ together and grow spiritually through this experience.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Alma 44-54

Contention, dissension, and war placed the survival of the Nephite nation in jeopardy. The Lamanites, however, were not the only source of conflict. Dissenting Nephites eager for power led to many serious problems. The Nephites overcame their enemies by exercising faith in Jesus Christ and following His prophets as well as other righteous military leaders.

Contrast the motives and intentions of Captain Moroni with those of Amalickiah. The prophet Mormon  wrote of Captain Moroni, “If all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea,the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men” (Alma 48:17). Like Moroni, you too can remain “firm in the faith of Christ” (Alma 48:13) even in difficult and trying circumstances.


Sally said...

I was thinking about the meaning of being sober. That's how the stripling warriors are described. Even though they are young, they are sober. This is also how Moroni (toward the end of the book of Mormon) is described. In looking up the word, some of the synonyms I found were "reasonable," "sound," "composed," and "collected." I think I would like to be all of these things. My natural self is slightly impulsive and maybe at time brash, but I know that the Savior can help me to strengthen and develop the characteristics of a sober-minded person.

Jary said...

I love the detailed description of how Moroni fortifies the cities of the Nephites, making them unconquerable from without; how timbers, pickets and earth combined to make them an "exceeding stronghold ever after." (Alma 53:5). Since we are to liken the scriptures unto ourselves, what are the comparable timbers, pickets and earth that we can use to make our homes "exceeding stronghold(s) ever after?" What a wonderful way to describe ones home, as an "exceeding stronghold ever after" against the evils and darkness of the world.

Alex said...

Virtue and Vice by C.S Lewis defines the word temptation, "We never find out the strength of the evil impulse inside us until we try to fight it."
Alma 48:16 the last two words in the verse define Moroni, "keeping the commandments of God, yea, and resisting iniquity."
As we resist iniquity, "the devil would never have power over…the children of men" (Alma 48:17.)

Alex Coughran