Project Overview

The purpose of this project is to bring you closer to Christ through the Book of Mormon. Our Stake Presidency has challenged us to read the Book of Mormon in its entirety before the end of the year while paying special attention to Christ and His mission in the Plan of Salvation. We will be reading the Book of Mormon from August 1-December 31, and our ward will be focusing on the references to Christ throughout the Book of Mormon. As you read we invite you to mark in Red each reference to the Savior. You will be amazed how often He is mentioned.
It is our hope that you accept this challenge with an open heart and know that as you complete the Book of Mormon, you will have a stronger testimony of the importance of this book and its account and witness of Jesus Christ. Remember that through prayer and study you will be able to obtain a stronger testimony as well as a desire to learn more. We hope you will join us as we feast upon the words of Christ together and grow spiritually through this experience.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Alma 16-25

Because of their demonstration of love and their understanding of the worth of a soul, Ammon and his companions are models for servants of the Lord everywhere. Through their experience you will see the importance of personal preparation, the power of setting a righteous example, and the need to build meaningful relationships with those you serve. Furthermore, Ammon and his brethren understood that those they served held strong beliefs. Look for ways they found to share gospel truths concerning the Spirit, love, and testimony. By emulating their example, you can be a powerful servant in the Lord’s hands to help
bring others to Christ.


Ellen Young said...

This comment is actually for chapter 17. One thing that continues to strike me every time I read it is verse 2. Alma is filled with joy at meeting up with his brethren, the sons of Mosiah. Not only is he happy, but in this verse it says "Alma did rejoice exceedingly to see his brethren; and what added more to his joy, they were still his brethren in the Lord; yeah an dthey had waxed strong in the knowledge of the truth..." I love this because I feel like that is how it is going to be when we are reunited after this life. It will be a joyous occasion, not only to see our brethren, but to see that they are still our brethren in the Lord. There's a very strong reason to endure to the end. For a wonderful talk that I think that every family should read together is "No Empty Chairs" by Lisa Dahlgren.

Bishop Bruce said...

Alma 24:10-11 explains how the atonement is capable of healing the repentant. I have been a witness to see someone have guilt taken away from their hearts "through the merits of his Son". It is very transforming and usually miraculous to see this happen. And it saddens me to think of all the people in the world who carry oppressive guilt, from whatever reason, and are completely unaware of the redemptive power of the atonement. And so they carry this guilt, like a burr under the saddle. And it usually leads to more misery, dysfunction, and heartache. Oh how the world needs the power of the atonement in their lives