Project Overview

The purpose of this project is to bring you closer to Christ through the Book of Mormon. Our Stake Presidency has challenged us to read the Book of Mormon in its entirety before the end of the year while paying special attention to Christ and His mission in the Plan of Salvation. We will be reading the Book of Mormon from August 1-December 31, and our ward will be focusing on the references to Christ throughout the Book of Mormon. As you read we invite you to mark in Red each reference to the Savior. You will be amazed how often He is mentioned.
It is our hope that you accept this challenge with an open heart and know that as you complete the Book of Mormon, you will have a stronger testimony of the importance of this book and its account and witness of Jesus Christ. Remember that through prayer and study you will be able to obtain a stronger testimony as well as a desire to learn more. We hope you will join us as we feast upon the words of Christ together and grow spiritually through this experience.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Alma 6-15

Alma’s ministry to the city of Ammonihah illustrates how God supports His servants who faithfully obey Him, even in times of great difficulty or personal sacrifice (see 1 Nephi 1:20). After an initial attempt to preach in a wicked city, Alma was blessed with a visit from an angel, who assured him of his standing before God and instructed him to return to Ammonihah. There, a man named Amulek had received instruction from an angel who told him to receive Alma. Later,both men were inspired to know how to contend with skilled lawyers who were intent upon creating discord for personal profit. Alma’s and Amulek’s experiences serve as a model for us today. Although you still have challenges to face, Heavenly Father will bless you with reassurance, inspiration, and assistance as you seek to obey Him.

1 comment:

Sally said...

It is interesting to compare the teachings given to the people in Gideon, who were righteous, as compared to the teachings given to the people in Ammonihah, who were wicked.

For example, in Chapter 7, Alma teaches the Gideonites about the life and death of the Savior, that "he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind...that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people." From these verses we learn of the loving nature of the Savior. He loves us so much that he gave his life so that we might be happy. All we need to do is follow him.

On the other hand, when Alma and Amulek try to teach the concept of redemption to the people in Ammonihah, they refuse to listen. This leads Amulek to say in chapter 12 that the wicked are treated as if no redemption had been made. If we refuse to accept the Savior and follow his example, then the beautiful promises from chapter 7 are denied us.

The Savior is full of perfect love toward us. He understands us perfectly and completely. He knows our weaknesses, but he also knows our infinite strength. He asks us to keep his commandments so that we can learn to recognize the strength within us as well. What else do we need to follow him?